What is big data?

Big Data is a popular term that describes the growth, the availability and exponential use of structured and unstructured information. Structured information are data that contains an organization to be easy found in an automatic way, with simplified technology. And unstructured information are data that doesn’t have specific information about their organization, so it can’t be found in an automatic way.

Watch this  video to better understand

Watch this  vídeo to better understand (in Portuguese).

bbig data

Volume: a really big quantity of data that grows exponentially and very often are underutilized precisely because they are in these conditions.

Velocity: to take account of certain problems, the processing of data (collection, recording, updating, etc) should be done in a timely manner – often in real time.

 Variety: the amount of data we have today are also a result of information diversity. It is necessary to know how to treat the variety as part of a whole. A type of data can be useless if it is not associated with others.

Veracity: there must be processes to guarantee the maximum consistency of data.

 Where is big data coming from?

Streaming data: this includes data that reaches your IT systems from a web of connected devices. The organization can analyze this data as it arrives and make decisions on what data to keep, what not to keep and what requires further analysis.

Social media data: the data on social interactions is an increasingly attractive set of information, particularly for marketing, sales and support functions. This data is often in unstructured or semi-structured forms, so besides the sheer size of the data, it poses a unique challenge when consuming and analyzing this information.

Publicly available sources: massive amounts of data is available through open data sources like US government’s data.gov, the CIA World Factbook or the European Union Open Data Portal.

Let’s talk about numbers

Big Data examples


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It can be as important to business – and to society – such as the Internet has become. But it’s not the amount of data that’s important. It’s what organizations do with the data that matters. Information is power. Today unstructured information represents 85% of the information that the organizations use. So, if an organization knows how to use the big data, and combines this with high-powered analytics, they are able to determinate root causes of failures, issues and defects in near-real time. However, Big data can be analyzed for insights that lead to better decisions and strategic business moves. It may result in increasing operational efficiency, reducing costs and risks. You can take data from any source and analyze it to find answers that enable:

1) Cost reductions.

2) Time reductions.

3) New product development and optimized offerings.

4) Smart decision making.

5) Customer’s buying habits.


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infowester.com. Accessed in 05/03/2016.

sas.com. Available in:  . Accessed in 05/03/2016.

sites.nielsen.com. Available in: .Acessed in 05/03/2016.

20minutos.es.  Available in: . Accessed in 05/03/2016